Opinion: Am I losing or gaining focus?

I haven’t posted anything in weeks and that thought has been gnawing constantly in my head. If I’m honest, I could have made time, but as I’ve just started a new job and lock-down in the UK has sightly eased, and the weather is finally looking brighter (even though as I write this it is raining very heavy outside) I’ve been distracted. However, I’m slowly but surely telling myself more often that it shouldn’t be a bad thing to focus on some new exciting things. My friend and I started this podcast we were dreaming of starting for months and we have around 2 live episodes as of now with plans to make it a weekly thing, but life has just got in the way and there’s nothing we can do about it. We’ve finally agreed to not force it but resume it when the time feels right to.

I titled this piece with a question, something I’ve pondered many times as I like to think I’m quite productive as well as being my biggest critic. As you’ve probably noticed on this blog I write about productivity’s death grip on my life quite often and I hate feeling like I’m letting things slip. When I feel that happening, my worst habits starts to flair up just to make matters worse. Therefore I don’t want to see it as losing focus, but rather as I’m gaining focus in other areas in my life; I’m making new friends, I’m enjoying listening and playing music, reading more, and even writing little excerpts of fiction.

Just because I’m not productive in one aspect of my life, that doesn’t discredit the areas that I am being productive! But saying that, I will be aiming to write some more here, there’s a couple of reviews I have been thinking about as well as some more thought pieces!

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